Region IV Student Development Committee Update #1

Region IV Student Development Committee – Goals and Student Lead On

The newly established Region IV Student Development Committee was created to achieve three main goals:

  1. Provide opportunities for students to engage with other Region IV students
  2. Develop professional development opportunities for Region IV students
  3. Establish and promote a Region IV Student Lead On conference […]
2021-06-25T19:58:42-07:00August 25, 2020|Categories: committees, Region IV Exclusive, student development|

COVID Conversation Series – University of Arkansas

COVID Conversation Series – University of Arkansas

In this Region IV COVID Conversation, we talk with University Recreation Executive Director Jeremy Battjes. The Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) building has been reopened since Monday, July 6, for Phase 1. During this “Jeremy” edition, Battjes highlights the challenges in repurposing spaces with a limited […]

Region IV Facility Operations Committee Update #1

Region IV Facility Operations Committee – Overview and Upcoming Opportunities

In its first year, the Region IV Facility Operations Committee was created to provide Facility Operations professionals an opportunity to collaborate across our region and provide resources to better serve Region IV. This committee works to support, provide guidance, and enhance departments on a safe […]

COVID Conversation Series – Oklahoma State University

COVID Conversation Series – Oklahoma State University

In this edition of the Region IV COVID Conversation Series, we chat with Brittney Jacobs, Klee Sellers and Britton Lyon with the Oklahoma State University Department of Wellness. Their facility reopens on Monday, August 3. During our conversation, Klee and Britton address the challenges in creating Intramural […]

Student Spotlight – Johnny Keefer

Student Spotlight – Johnny Keefer

Johnny Keefer, current Facility Operations Graduate Assistant at Emporia State University (Emporia, KS), serves as the Student Leader for the State of Kansas. Though only beginning his first year at ESU, Johnny is already racking up the leadership opportunities. In addition to his role as Student State Leader, Johnny […]

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