NIRSA Region IV Conference
2024 Conference Schedule

This is a tentative schedule based on previous conferences. Subject to change.
Monday, October 14, 2024
- 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Student Lead On
- 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Opening Session, Regional Meeting, & Keynote Speaker
- 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. | Welcome Reception (Light Refreshments)
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
- 9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. | Educational Session 1
- 10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. | Educational Session 2
- 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. | Educational Session 3
- 12:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Lunch (provided)
- 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Vendor Expo Opens
- 2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. | Educational Session
- 3:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. | Educational Session 5
- 4:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. | Educational Session 6
- 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | All-Conference Social
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
- 9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. | Educational Session 7
- 10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. | Educational Session 8
- 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. | Educational Session 9
Please visit the registration, socials, and conference program pages for more detailed information.
Questions? Please contact Conference Program Committee Chair, Armando Espinoza
Students are encouraged to bring 1-2 printed copies of their resumes and/or cover letter to be reviewed by professionals during the conference. They can be dropped off at the Registration Desk prior to the Opening Session on Tuesday.

Below you can find this year’s Region IV Virtual Conference Schedule. Zoom Links will be sent out daily from Matt Beck, Region IV Representative. You must be registered for the conference to receive the daily schedule update with Zoom links. Please register through the link below if you have not done so already!
Monday, October 26
Region IV Business Meeting
Program Description: Join us for our fall Regional Connection Meeting! We will be providing updates about upcoming events in the region, financial updates, recognizing some outstanding members, and looking into the future of Region IV
Spider Webs of Progression
Program Description: This presentation will blend lecture and virtual demonstration to teach exercise programming for long-term success. Hands on learning will focus on mobility, stability, and strength pillars through progression and regression index scales of movement. This lecture will take advantage of the unique virtual conference setting, by integrating movement throughout the presentation at light to moderate intensity. Come ready and prepared to learn and move!
Career Readiness: How to Share Your Campus Rec Experience with Future Employers
Program Description: Are you beginning to search for post-graduate opportunities? Having trouble talking about how your current experience translates to that coveted position? Wondering how to get started? This presentation helps with understanding our roles, Career Readiness traits and skills that are gained by working at the rec, what future employers are looking for in your applications / interviews as well as how to implement a Career Readiness program into your department.
NIRSA Government Affairs
Program Description: The purpose of the session is to introduce participants to the NIRSA Government Affairs committee. We will provide information on what the committee does, how it interacts with the NIRSA Board of Directors, and the committee’s policy agenda. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of staying up to date on local/state/federal legislation and its impact on higher education and campus recreation.
Kansas & Louisiana State Meetings (Separate)
Kansas | Zoom Link:
Kansas Passcode: 330182
Louisiana | Zoom Link:
Louisiana Passcode: 597865
Missouri & Oklahoma State Meetings (Separate)
Missouri | Zoom Link:
Missouri Passcode: 744045
Oklahoma | Zoom Link:
Oklahoma Passcode: 572113
Considerations for Engaging First-Generation Students in Collegiate Recreation
Program Description: As more and more arrive on college campuses, first-generation college students continue to cite the individualistic nature of higher education as a barrier to student success. One of the benefits of college recreation programs, as articulated by NIRSA, is “to make our global community healthier” (NIRSA). This session will explore the nature of first-generation college students at colleges and universities examine barriers that impede their success, and analyze how participation in collegiate recreation programs can positively influence the thriving, sense of belonging, persistence, retention, and, ultimately, completion and graduation for this student population.
Tuesday, October 27
Inside the COVID Conversation Series: What I Learned
Program Description: Earlier this summer as part of the NIRSA R4 Communications Committee Jeremy conducted a video interview series called “the COVID Conversation Series.” In this “poster presentation” styled session, this presentation will share the “findings” from the COVID Conversation Series. This session will focus, in part, on the COVID-specific changes, centering on the content of the conversations. This session will also share about my experience conducting the conversations from a project level – from idea to reality, and the transferrable skill of communication.
Cancel Culture & Civil Discourse
Program Description: #MeToo #TimesUp #BlackLivesMatter. #AllLivesMatter. #MAGA. Today, most of our triggered talking points, stances, and headlines are all captured and showcased as a 4-word tweet that we share, post, and/or retweet. Social media platforms have created a this-or-that arena that doesn’t create spaces for civil discourse or community, but instead houses reactive environments that has developed into a “cancel culture” without room for respect and conversation that could lead to the understanding of perspectives, values, and ideologies.
Texas & Arkansas State Meetings (Separate)
Texas State Meeting | Zoom Link:
Texas Passcode: 312627
Arkansas State Meeting | Zoom Link:
Arkansas Passcode: 558997
'On Tap, Not on Top: An Emerging Leadership Style
Program Description: The focus of the presentation will be the ‘democratic professional’ leadership style, that is about making the student more involved in the leadership process. This means less about professionals being the experts and more about listening and learning from our students. I would like to lecture about this style and then provide interactive activities throughout my lecture and at the end.
Providing Wellness Coaching as a Part of a Comprehensive Wellness Program
Program Description: This presentation will discuss the benefits of adding wellness coaching as part of a comprehensive wellness program and why you want to be on the forefront of the rise of wellness coaching using the success of the Wellness Coaching Program at Oklahoma State as an example.
Talk to a GA Panel
Program Description: This panel discussion will focus on the GA experience from the perspective of the Student Leaders of NIRSA Region IV.
Communications Roundtable
NIRSA Student Development Focus Group
Club Sports Roundtable
Aquatics Roundtable
Wednesday, October 28
Fitness & Wellness Roundtable
Associate Directors Roundtable
Let Me Tell You What I Wish I Knew
Program Description: In this presentation, Brian Mills will share his experience as a new director (3 years) at a mid-size, non-traditional university that created a new department and built a new facility in 2017-2018. From building a department from the ground up, managing a new staff, establishing a foundation for health and wellness, and managing the challenges associated with this endeavor has provided numerous learning and growth opportunities that everyone can learn from.
MASTER THE BASICS: Creating World Class Fitness Instructors
Program Description: COVID-19 has been rough for many group fitness university programs it’s time to take advantage of this time and refocus our energy on training and creating world class group fitness instructors. Join Johanna and Josie to shed light on the importance of the 32-count, introductions, class layouts, ways to utilize social media to help increase connection, different ways to create group fitness instructor training courses and much more!!!
Intramural Sports Roundtable
Antiracism for Beginners
Program Description: This session will focus on providing foundational terminology and concepts in antiracism work. The first portion of the session will be lecture, followed by discussion.
Learning Outcomes: 1.) Develop an understanding and working knowledge of key terminology and concepts surrounding antiracism work.
2.) Offer self-reflection and resources for individuals to develop an understanding of their own identities and potential point of privilege and how those impact your everyday life and work.
3.) Provide some examples and discussion surrounding anti-racism work in campus recreation and programs and trainings that can impact your student and professional staff members as we fight for equity on our campuses.
Fitness Facilitator: Bridging the Gap Between Instructor and Patron
Program Description: The program will be organized as a presentation providing knowledge of what the Fitness Facilitator role is, the issues within the program that created the need for the implementation of this role, how we created it, the benefits our program has seen from the role, and how/why it would be beneficial at other universities.
Involvement During a Pandemic
Program Description: This presentation will focus on what UTSA has done to maintain participation and involvement during the pandemic from the perspective of a student and a student staff.
Virtual Teambuilding & Interactive Meetings
Program Description: During this workshop, you can learn how to use Zoom to its fullest and have more interactive meetings and sessions. Learn how to create and share content to team build and/or use experiential learning to increase the sense of connection while online for meetings. Learn how to incorporate these tools into the platforms that we are using in this ‘new normal’ to create engagement even virtually.
Meditation in Motion
Program Description: We begin with a relaxing meditation to calm the body and mind and focus on our breath. The second half of the class allows us to gently connect our breath to a soft flow, on hands and knees, to open and lubricate joint hips and shoulders increasing mobility and working on softening fascia. This is a very gentle class and requires no standing. Leave feeling peaceful and relaxed. At the end of the session we will discuss self-care tips and breathing techniques to use throughout the day.
Thursday , October 29
Indoor Facilities Roundtable
Data Driven Strategies to Success... Even During a Pandemic
Program Description: The program will go over several data-driven efforts that have been used to identify at risk students, implement collaborative interventions, and boost retention levels.
Sport Club Administration: "Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man."
Program Description: The University of Texas Sport Club Association (UTSCA) consists of 48 sponsored student organizations. To incentivize requirements through funding while also recognizing the hard work and effort put forth by clubs each year, the UTSCA Council created an Administrative Compliance Program (ACP). This session will outline our method that helps create an equitable decision making process for budget allocations and organizational discipline for all sport clubs.
MTB MECCA? An exploration of NWA's soft-surface trail infrastructure, programming, and educational opportunities.
Program Description: Northwest Arkansas (NWA) boasts the title of Mountain Bike capital of the world, but what is in it for campus recreation? This session will provide an overview of the soft-surface trail infrastructure of NWA, the MTB movement’s impact on the University of Arkansas Campus, and the various recreational and educational opportunities that exist for your programs!
Marketing x Programming: A Recipe for Success
Program Description: The presentation will feature tips on how to leverage your marketing team’s capabilities to maximize your program’s reach, information that your marketing team probably wishes you came to them with, how to strengthen partnerships with your marketing team and a basic understanding on key performance indicators and how to determine those. We encourage participants to submit questions in advance to ([email protected]) so we can best tailor the presentation to our audience and allow plenty of time for Q&A at the end.
NIRSA Mentor Program
Program Description: Are you part of the Mentor/Mentee Program? Are you interested in learning about the program or being paired with a mentor or mentee? During this session, you will have the opportunity to learn about the program overall and provide feedback to make it better. Come see how NIRSA helps facilitate relationships across the association.
How To Win In A Digital World- The Basics Of Social Media
Program Description: The presentation will cover the basics of social media for rookies, and it will share the importance of social media in today’s world and how it can benefit your program including cover tips, the latest apps, the do’s and don’ts for growing your social media platform, and promoting inclusivity.
Pandemic Proof: Creative Outdoor Programming for Campus Recreation
Program Description: COVID-19 has impacted campus outdoor recreation travel in ways that were unimaginable. However, it has also provided a much-needed rest from hitting the road while allowing programs to focus on DIY outings, meet-ups, Nature-Rx, and programs that capitalize on the resources we have in own back yard. This session will highlight the creative opportunities that exist when aiming to fulfill your outdoor recreation mission during these challenging times.
Same Ladder, Next Rung: The experiences of internal hires
Program Description: This presentation will review the experiences of three individuals who were hired from within an organization as internal candidates. The presentation will include the advantages and disadvantages of being an internal candidate as well as the personal experiences of each presenter. Applying internally in an organization is a very unique process that many people experience but are not prepared.
Gen Z & COVID = Reimagining Staff Training
Program Description: Have you pushed of revamping your student staff training (like us)? Then COVID came along and forced you to make changes? Are you stuck and need ideas for Spring 2021? Come join a conversation on different methods and modes of staff training. We will look at how the Gen Z/Centennial population learns and keeping safety as the top priority in this “new world.”
Outdoor Facilities Roundtable
Student Lounge-Trivia
Program Description: Students come hang out and play games with other students in the region.